Thank you all for participating in Home Depot's Retool Your School. Over the past decade, Wilberforce University has received over $90,000 in grant funding for campus improvements. This year Wilberforce University could win up to $150,000!
The Home Depot has grown their flagship Retool Your School Campus Improvement Grant Program significantly, doubling the total grant pool to $2M awarded between 30 HBCUs. Every HBCU has the chance to win a grant between $40,000 to $150,000.
Supporters of Wilberforce help us finish in the top 10 of Cluster 3 by voting 2 ways:
Vote online at https://retoolyourschool.com/
Use hashtag "#RYSWILBERFORCE" via Instagram and Twitter.
User's account must be public in order for the vote to be counted.
Twitter original tweets and retweets count as votes.
Only the first mention of a hashtag in an approved post or story will count as 1 vote. Multiple mentions of a hashtag in a single post or story will only count as 1 vote.
Please check out the reports below to see how your engagement has impacted Wilberforce University and future alumni.